Can a Woman Have Period and Still Can't Have Baby

Reasons you may not be getting pregnant

Verywell / Alexandra Gordon

Can you get pregnant without having a catamenia in months? Aye, information technology'due south possible, but it'due south not likely. If y'all're not getting your periods, this is a expert reason to see your gynecologist. In that location are some normal—and some not-so-normal—reasons this tin can occur. What could cause you lot not to go your periods? Could you be pregnant and not know it?

What exercise your periods have to practise with getting significant? And, if you want to get pregnant, how can your doctor assist you conceive if you're not menstruating?

Your Period and Getting Meaning

Your period is the most obvious sign that your trunk's reproductive system is at least trying to operate. It marks the finish of 1 menstrual wheel. The female person reproductive system is circuitous, only here is a quick and simple breakup of what happens every month (if you lot're getting your periods).

  • At the first of your monthly cycle, specific hormones tell your ovaries to start developing an egg. The egg, or oocyte, is independent within a follicle. This follicle is like a tiny bubble. It contains fluid, nutrients, and the immature egg.
  • For the get-go half of your cycle (near 12 to 14 days), the hormones stimulate the follicle and egg to grow. Eventually, the egg reaches maturity.
  • Halfway through your cycle (at well-nigh day xiv, though this tin vary). the follicle bursts open up, and the egg is released from the ovary. This is called ovulation. The egg only lives for 12 to 24 hours.
  • For the second half of your wheel (days 15 to 25, approximately), subsequently ovulation, the hormone progesterone triggers the lining of your uterus to ready for a fertilized egg, or embryo. The lining of the uterus is called the endometrium. During this fourth dimension, endometrium will build upwards, condign thicker and changing its physiological structure to exist simply right for an embryo.

What happens next depends on whether you have accept had sexual intercourse within v days of ovulation. If yous have, there may be sperm waiting in the reproductive system. Sperm can survive in the female person reproductive system for upwards to five days. Sexual intercourse on the actual solar day of ovulation, and fifty-fifty the day after, can also lead to formulation. If a sperm prison cell fertilizes the egg, you volition become significant.

If you conceived, an embryo volition implant itself into the uterine lining betwixt seven and ten days later ovulation. This volition trigger different hormones to prepare the trunk to nurture a pregnancy.

If you didn't conceive, the hormone progesterone will begin to driblet. Lowering levels of progesterone volition eventually signal the endometrium to break down and expel itself. This is your period.

As the endometrium is expelled, your body starts releasing hormones to trigger the next month'due south ovulation, assuming you're having regular cycles. Your period marks the ending of one wheel.

If yous become your catamenia, it is likely (but not certain) that you lot ovulated within the by two weeks. Ovulation is required to get meaning. If yous're getting your periods regularly, y'all are most likely ovulating regularly.

Ovulating Without Getting Your Period

If you are not getting your periods, yous are probably not ovulating regularly. There are a number of reasons this may occur (more than on that below). Notwithstanding, this doesn't mean you won't all of a sudden ovulate without getting a period beginning.

As mentioned above, menses marks the end of i bicycle. If ovulation occurs, and you don't excogitate, you volition get your period. Simply allow'south say you lot are currently not having regular cycles. You could, depending on the reason why yous're non menstruating regularly, suddenly outset a menstrual cycle.

The terminate of your bike is marked by your period starting, merely there are no obvious signs that your trunk has begun a bicycle. Yous tin ovulate and not know it.

Y'all will only know y'all ovulated if you lot get your menstruation or, if yous had sexual intercourse within your fertile window, you lot get pregnant. Yous may not realize you're significant for a while, though, since y'all haven't been getting your periods. You won't take a catamenia to be "late" if you haven't been getting one.

Why You May Not Be Getting Your Menstruation

The medical term for a lack of menstrual cycles is amenorrhea. It tin have many causes.


If yous have had regular periods, and so of a sudden stop getting your catamenia, you may be pregnant. This is probable the first thing you thought of when your menstruum was belatedly, and you have likely already taken a pregnancy examination.

But what if your pregnancy test was negative? Could you still exist significant? Yes. Information technology's unusual, but it is possible to be pregnant and get a negative pregnancy test. Encounter your doctor for follow-up and confirmation, and until you know otherwise, act as if you're pregnant (avoid alcoholic drinks, for example).


Exclusively breastfeeding a baby tin can prevent your periods from coming. How long will you become without a menstruation when breastfeeding? It depends on how ofttimes you are breastfeeding and your personal biology.

Birth Control

Some forms of birth control tin stop your periods. Your doctor should have told yous if this was possible when they prescribed it.

If you want to endeavor to conceive, how long volition it have for your periods to return afterwards you cease taking the nativity control depends on your trunk and your contraception choice. With Depo-Provera, also known as the "nascency command shot," menstrual cycles tend to return nearly six months after the terminal injection (if you were receiving the injections for at to the lowest degree i year).

Other Medication

Birth command isn't the just medication that tin can cease your periods. Other medications that may stop your cycles include some psychiatric drugs, chemotherapy, allergy medications, and blood pressure pills.


Obesity is one of the most mutual causes of infertility. Women who are obese may experience irregular menstrual cycles and, in some cases, their periods may finish completely. Losing weight may restart or regulate your cycles.


With obesity, likewise much fat throws off the normal hormonal balance in the body. If you are underweight, the lack of fat can throw your reproductive cycle off. If this is the problem, bringing your weight upwards should restart your cycles.

Practice or Lack of Torso Fat

You may be an athlete who is neither over- nor underweight (based on trunk mass index). Nonetheless, it'south non your weight that really impacts your reproductive cycle—it's the amount of fat.

Athletes may have a high percentage of muscle and a low percentage of torso fat. This can cause their menstrual cycles to be irregular or even finish completely. Excessive do can also cause your periods to become irregular or cease.


Stress can cause y'all to skip a menstruum or two. Nevertheless, it'due south highly unusual for stress alone to cause your menstrual bike to stop for months.


Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common cause of female person infertility. I of the master symptoms of PCOS is irregular or absent-minded periods.

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

Too known as premature ovarian failure, primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) can cause irregular or absent periods. Sometimes, a person with POI will go months or even years without a period, only to have them restart without caption. POI also used to be called "early menopause," but that'southward misleading. After menopause, menstruation never returns.

Hormonal Imbalance

While PCOS and POI tin crusade ovulation bug, so tin other hormonal conditions. Athyroid imbalance, endometriosis, an underlying untreated medical condition (like diabetes), and hyperprolactinemia can lead to irregular or absent periods.

Uterine Problems

Structural problems or scarring of the uterus can cause your periods to be irregular or cease completely. This may occur afterward a dilation and curettage (D&C) or uterine surgery.


This is sometimes the first fearfulness women have when they suddenly terminate getting their period, even if they are years and years away from it becoming a reality. While early menopause is possible, unless you lot are 45 years old or older, it's unlikely menopause is the cause for your lack of periods.

If Y'all Desire to Get Pregnant

Doctors ordinarily recommend trying to conceive for ane yr (or six months, if you're age 35 or older) before getting a fertility evaluation. However, this doesn't utilise if you have signs or symptoms of a fertility problem. That would include amenorrhea.

If you're not getting your periods, yous may be dealing with infertility. Make certain that you and your partner are evaluated. There may exist more than one reason yous aren't conceiving, and male person infertility is more common than you may realize.

Depending on why you aren't ovulating, and if at that place are other fertility problems, treatment possibilities include lifestyle change, weight loss or gain, or medication change. You may besides need handling for an underlying medical condition, or fertility treatments.

If You Do Not Want to Become Meaning

If you don't desire to go pregnant, you shouldn't rely on your lack of menstrual cycles as birth control. This is truthful fifty-fifty if you've been previously diagnosed as infertile (unless your doctor tells you otherwise).

As mentioned above, depending on why you're not getting your periods, it's possible to ovulate and not get a period first as an indication that you're fertile again. Talk to your doctor most the all-time contraceptive choice for you.


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